
lgnNautilus: Matlab code used to analyze the dLGN dataset

    thalamocortical relay cells
Accessing the Data
Description of the dataset Guide to structures in the dLGN dataset
Project Registry

This site is intended to provide all code used to analyze the dLGN dataset in
"The fuzzy logic of network connectivity in mouse visual thalamus" Morgan JL, Berger DB, Wetzel AW, Lichtman JW. Cell (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.02.033.  This code is also available for anyone who would like to use it to analyze connectivity data from VAST.


lgnNautilus 1.4 : This version of lgnNautilus was used to perform all of the analysis in the initial submission of "The fuzzy logic of network connectivity in mouse visual thalamus."

General instructions
1) Download and unzip lgnNautilus. 
2) Set Matlab path to folder containing lgnNautilus.
3) Run script: "runNA.m" to add necessary subfolders to the Matlab path.

Importing segmentation files from VAST
1) Open segmentation files in VAST
2) Click "Window ->  Remote control API server"
3) Check the "Enable" box.
4) Run "vasttools.m". (a variety of visualization and analysis tools are now available directly from vasttools)
5) Click "Connect -> Connect to Vast"
6) Run "vastLink2MatStructs_SubVol.m" to import segmentation files into the voxel list format used by lgnNautalis.